Engaging in the creative process has been among the most profound experiences of my life, and in some ways, similar to the story of Stella and her nest, which parallels the nuances of your journey in writing.

Your story aptly mirrors Stella’s meticulous construction of her refuge, with how you assemble your narrative with deliberate care and precision. Observing her methodical approach prompts reflections on how the nest’s robust yet vulnerable nature and sanctuary reflect your creative process's intricate balance. Moreover, the metaphor deepens when you consider Stella’s refuge a sanctuary for her offspring, similar to how other readers might find understanding and respite within their own subjective realities through someone else's writing.

The profound question you posed, ‘How does one stand on their own if they are to stand on their own words,’ strikes at the heart of what it means to be a writer. This inquiry does not simply seek an answer but prompts a deeper reflection on the role of independence in creativity and life. It highlights the resilience required to navigate this complex landscape.

My experiences have made it increasingly clear that writing is not merely a choice. It often feels like an awakening to the omnipresent narratives within oneself, others, and our collective world. This realization—that capturing these stories in words is akin to performing a magic trick—suggests that while the mechanics of the trick might strip away some initial enchantment, understanding the method behind it unveils the true magic of our narratives.

As long as you possess this ability, and I have no doubt, based on your writings that you do, you will always have the capacity to connect deeply with these narratives and, by proxy, others. Building an interpersonal framework that helps process and make sense of this will invariably speak to your method of creativity and curiosity. Your ability to speak to these things through your writing is a gift that should be celebrated regardless of the burdens it may sometimes carry.

The weight of this endeavor stems not just from the usual rejections but from the profound responsibility and freedom inherent in autonomous creation. It’s natural to question your readiness and choices, especially as you confront the realities of forging your path, much like Stella’s methodical building of her nest brought both solace and uncertainty. As every writer encounters doubt and apprehension, these moments are not merely obstacles but are integral to the maturation of your voice and your work. They compel a deeper engagement with your craft and life’s unfolding narrative.

In light of this, Stella’s recent return should be seen not as a closure but as an indication that your journey continues. The challenges and uncertainties you face in shaping your narrative and defining your space within the writing world are ongoing. The process of writing, then, becomes not just a means of expression but a continuous engagement with the complexities of your own life and the broader human condition.

Simply put, to write is, in some way, to experience what it means to be a human. Thank you for making that attempt, something that can be so personal and open to the public for consideration and discourse. I genuinely enjoyed reading.

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August, I cannot thank you enough for your kind words. I am so moved by your comment, I smiled with every paragraph. I am so glad you enjoyed reading it and you were able to draw connections to your own creative practices and writing! Sending all my love🤍

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That makes me happy to hear. Looking forward to reading more! 🪺

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